Sunday, September 23, 2012

cosplaying for beginners

 Cosplaying we have already gone over the main idea of it, now we are gonna go over how to do it.
     - for beginners that is

                                  COSPLAYING 101

1. To do cosplay you first have to ,no dur, pick some character to cosplay as.  It sounds easy but it can be quite hard deciding between    thousands (ok maybe only a couple hundred) amazing cute or cool (or both) anime characters (or any) to cosplay as. Although if your a beginner you might want to start simple. Like me i started with Hatsune Miku and even that was a handful . But on the other hand i did sew it. Unless you are very experienced on sewing you might have to buy a costume. Or even if you can't do that you could always work with what you got *shrug*.
2. 2nd is to just do some research. You can't just go all crazy and do all of this stuff and then realize you did it completely wrong. You've got to figure out how to cosplay (good job your here) and what exactly the character you are cosplaying dresses, talks, looks ect. 
3. Then is the fun part , actually starting! Yay! Say your cosplaying as Sakura from Naruto . You gotta get the wig.  That may sound easy but
 there is all different colors ,cuts ,and lengths for
the wig some are good some (*) . (*)  not so much.
 And even  some are cheap and others deffiently not. You also have to be careful on the things you buy off the internet if you do. But i recomend .They have some bad ones but other can be really good.
4. Then you gotta get the costume, decide between if you are gonna buy, make or alter a costume. If you buy then try to find the best quality you can because most of the ones you buy online are not very good quality nor are they cheap. If you are making or altering make sure you get as close to the actual character's clothes as possible. 
4.5. an add on for 4 is circle or colored contacts. It may sound crazy but you may need it, say you have brown eyes and the character you are cosplaying as has blues eyes or vise versa. Also if you pile on false lashes your irises will look small and creepy (Niki Manaj) yeah so lenses help!
  5. Last step is makeup. Even if your character you are cosplaying as doesn't wear makeup they will most likely have those huge eyes and perfect skin. Unless you have both of those things you probably need makeup even if you are a guy. Compare these two pictures:

Which one looks better? Yup now which one did you think followed all of these steps? Yup ok so there you go!
Extra: now just some easy beginner cosplay character ideas:chi(chobits)
any kind of school girl:
Thats it so TA-TA please follow these guide lines!!!:))


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

miku cosplay

                       HATSUNE MIKU!

my cosplaying of miku this is acually my first cosplay!! enjoy

 this is the only one that wasn't edited

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fly High!

      FLY HIGH!!
 You have been instructed to check out this manga
This manga is about Meru techibana a  12 year old girl who just returned to Tokyo after a few long years of training.Yes training she has the strength that is stronger than most boys. When she enters her new school she tries to hide her amazing strength from the whole school. But when a group of 8th graders are using their own strength to control the whole school she has no choice but to step up as the student president.

I love she is my ultimate favorite K-pop singer of all time!
she is an amazing singer and i adore her.
If you have not heard of K-pop or off please check both of them out
(especially check out her song 'Top Girl' and 'Black and White')


definition; short for 'costume play' when someone dresses as a fictional character or person from a movie/show/game.
hatsune miku

sauron cosplay

Try cosplay its fun!!
(Guide to cosplay coming up)


Monday, September 10, 2012

stepping on roses;manga reveiw

 HADASHI DE BARA WO FUME (stepping on roses)
    I demand that you check out this manga!!!
sumi kitamura
      This manga is about a poor girl whose useless gambling older brother who keeps bringing her back orphans to take care of. Finally when they reach up to their necks in debt Sumi Kitamura is forced to go sell herself. But lucky her she is bought by a extremely rich and handsome man but not just for a night!
     This manga is full of romance and exciting twists.
 Check it out .......NOW!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


BOO!!! I scared you didn't I?? this is my attempt to doing the 'PERFECT SKIN IN MINUTES' face mask. check it out It smells funny. 
 you are basicallky putting lemon juice,honey and flour on your face awwwww yummy!! 

check 'em out eh? eh?

Ok, is it just me or does this girl look super cute???!!!?? (right right?)

 she is a super cute youtuber ( XiaoRishu) who is very funny and i adore her and then theres.....
image quality sucks sowwy!! but she is knows as oNYANNo on youtube so check both of this girls out or else!!


MHAHAHAHA Konnichiwa  jk I'm not Japanese or any crap like that!!! *scratches chin* Or maybe i am? *thinks* nope I'm not tehe

                            see?! this is me and it is nice too meet you my blog is mostly gonna consist of;

 weird articles i found
 good tips for random stuff
 annnnndddd cosplay!!!